New Paint

5 Things To Remember When Hiring A Decorator

Hiring a decorator can be a fantastic way to help realise the perfect look for your home.

However, it’s never so simple as hiring them and leaving them to their own devices. A home decorator is here to help you realise a vision of your own. As such, there are certain things to remember when hiring a contractor that will make the whole process easier and more efficient for you, them, and your home’s new look.

Talk To Your Decorator

No, really. This may seem like the simplest advice in the world, but many fail to follow it.

Some people think of hiring a decorator for their home as something they pay for and forget about. This is certainly an option, but only if you are looking for a home decorated to their tastes rather than your own. Some will certainly reach out to you for more information. However, others will take a lack of communication or directions as an indication of free reign.

If you want to make sure that your home’s decoration is done to your standards, talk to them. Let them know what you are going for with your design. Ask for their advice. Only proper communication will ensure that your home is decorated to your standards and nobody else’s.

Remember To Budget

Before moving ahead with your decorator, make sure that you have assigned a budget to your project. Then, make sure that they are aware of this budget.

A reliable contractor may make suggestions that will exceed this budget, but they should never exceed it of their own accord without your permission.

Stock - A Representational image of Budgeting

Make Sure That Your Home Is Clean And Tidy For Your Decorator

In order for your decorator to work, they are going to need to see what your house looks like. Make sure your home is as free of clutter as possible. This way, they will be able to know precisely what they are working with, rather than what they’re working around.

If your decorating project is large in scope, you may even want to move a large amount of your furniture into storage. This is both in preparation for the work that will be done and to give your contractor a more complete understanding of the space you have available.

Keep To A Schedule

A reliable decorator will work to an agreed upon schedule. Your role in this is to communicate, agree to this schedule and make sure that they hold up their end of it.

You and your home should be available on the days you agree on and all materials should be bought and available at the appropriate times.


Remember That It’s Your Decision

Your decorator is going to be enthusiastic about transforming your home into the best possible version of itself. This is a good thing. They will always have a variety of ideas and suggestions on hand for how to improve and better realise your vision. However, not all of these ideas may be for you.

Remember, at the end of the day, this is your home and your vision. It’s always okay to tell them that a suggestion they’ve made isn’t in line with what you want. Don’t worry, they can handle it.

Contact Us

Are you looking for a decorator for your home? Look no further than LP Painting & Decorating. Our experienced and dedicated team is ready to get to work in making your home truly yours.

Contact us today for more information on what we can do for you. Or, jump in with a free, no-obligation consultation and see for yourself!

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